Saturday, 30 January 2016

What I Would Do If I Won The Lottery

The Lotto has been a popular topic of discussion lately and this is because 13 million euro was won in the National Lottery recently and 66 million was won by an Irish person in the Euro-millions.  This is money I can only dream of and I'm sure there are many others like me who would just love to get their hands on even a fraction of that dosh!  All this lottery talk had me thinking about what I would actually do with the money if I won it.  Where would I even start?  It's a tough decision but here's just a few things I came up with.  Enjoy!

  1. Travel the world.
  2. Go on every cruise possible.
  3. Go on a MAJOR shopping spree (New York, Paris, Milan..?)
  4. Build my own personal library.
  5. Give some money to charity.
  6. Give some money to my family.
  7. Build a house.
  8. Buy a car (after I've finished my lessons and passed my driving test of course.)
  9. Buy a grand piano and learn how to play it.
  10. Probably end up paying someone to give me advice on how to spend what's left.
The thoughts of all that money is making me want it so badly right now!  Fingers crossed it will happen in the future.  It could solve all of life's problems (where money is involved.)  These are just a few ideas I've come up with but really with all that money the list could be endless.  Until next time... I'll see ya when I see ya!

Thursday, 28 January 2016

Book Review: The Great Gatsby

For the longest time I have wanted to start reading classics and as an avid reader I feel like I should have started years ago.  So for Christmas I got The Great Gatsby which I was delighted about because it is one of my favourite films and is also one of the books I want to read before I turn 21.  So without further ado here's my review on The Great Gatsby.

Reading the book will make you appreciate the film so much more because they are very similar.  I'm one of those people who is almost always disappointed when books are made into films because they never do the books any justice.  In this case the book and the film can go hand in hand because everything is almost exactly the same; the storyline, the character's personalities (but obviously Leo couldn't have got it wrong) and even some of the lines from the book are identical to those in the film.

If you don't know anything about The Great Gatsby it's written by F. Scott Fitzgerald and the story takes place in New York in the 1920s.  It follows Nick Caraway who moves to New York and ends up living beside the mysterious Jay Gatsby who lives in a mansion and throws regular extravagant parties.  Exaggerated rumours are continuously flying around about who Gatsby really is but he is just a man who is deeply in love with Nick's cousin Daisy.  It soon becomes Nick's job to reunite the two lovers but of course it is not straight forward.  Then again is any love story straight forward?

The Great Gatsby is a very easy read.  It's short and concise with simple yet elegant language.  The story line itself is easy to follow with no complicated plot twists.  If you love anything to do with the 1920s lifestyle then you'll love this.  It's a story that really tugs at the heart strings and if you're thinking of getting into the classics then I would highly recommend this as a starting point.  Go on and give it a go old sport!

There you have it, my review of The Great Gatsby.  I hope this gave you some kind of an insight into what the book is like and taught you that the classics are not scary, outdated and complicated.  If you want a break from the crazy stories we read nowadays then definitely read a classic.  Until then I'll see ya when I see ya!

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Things You Notice When You Start College

Starting college is a major milestone in life.  It's a new beginning full of new adventures and experiences.  You also realise that there is a bigger world out there (especially if you've been living in such a small and quiet area like me.)  I'm about to start my second semester in college and since September there are many things I've noticed about college life and things I just missed before.  So in this post I thought I would share some of those things with you.  Enjoy!

Courtesy of: WeHeartIt

You become an internet addict!:

As if you weren't addicted enough you become more so!  Firstly, you want to be able to connect with the new people you meet so social media is important, not to mention all the group chats you will join over time.  There are also apps like Yik Yak which become ridiculously addictive especially when you actually have to do work.  Secondly, you have to keep in contact with your friends from home so you check in on Facebook every half an hour to see how their new lives are getting on.  Thirdly, since all of your assignments are done on a computer, Netflix, Facebook and YouTube are always a click away.  Basically you will find any excuse to use the internet.

People Are Nice:

Having to meet new people can be daunting and you almost convince yourself that they won't have any time for you.  Not true!  Very quickly you realise that everyone is in the same boat as you and they want to make new friends as much as you do.  So if you're queuing up for a coffee or in a lecture hall try to pick up a conversation with the person beside you.  You'll be surprised, you could make a new best friend.

Secondary School Was Worse Than You Realised:

Okay, that might sound a bit harsh but it's kind of true.  Yes I did meet my best friends there and I do have good memories from my years in school but college is just so much better.  You have way more freedom.  Everyday is different.  There is no monotonous 9-4 with hours of study and homework on top.  If you don't leave everything to the last minute then everything goes smoothly.  You make loads of new friends, can take part in loads of clubs and societies and you can go out in the middle of the week which you wouldn't dream of doing in school.

A Lot Of The Things You Learned In School Are Now Useless:

The hours and hours I spent studying Higher Level Maths in school and now I use none of it and will never use it in the future.  Do I still remember the reproductive system of a plant?  Nope!  Do I need to remember it?  Nope!  Even the things you thought would come in handy are no good.  I'm studying English as part of my degree and it's completely different to the English I did in school.  All my school essays can go in the bin to be honest.  I've lost count of the amount of times I have questioned my secondary school education.

Going Out Every Night Is Not All It's Cracked Up To Be:

I love going out and having a good time with friends but it is extremely tiring.  It's not fun when you don't get back to you apartment until 2 in the morning and then you have a lecture and 9 the next day (technically 7 hours.)

College Is Crazy Expensive:

If you thought the price of secondary school books were bad wait until you get to college.  They are ridiculous!  Then you have to pay for food and transport on top on that and attempt to have a social life.  It's not easy.  You will soon fall in love with bargains and anything cheap.

Plagiarism Is The Worst Crime You Can Ever Commit:

Once you start college plagiarism is a word you will very quickly become familiar with.  From day one lecturers will remind you again and again not to commit this terrible crime or you can kiss your college days goodbye.  You also get extremely confused by all the different types of referencing out there and wish your college would just stick to one.  It scares the crap out of you at the beginning but once you learn how to avoid plagiarism you don't worry so much but you feel like you need to reference everything you say and write just to be on the safe side.

So overall college is great.  It's a place where Harry Potter can be incorporated into any lecture (true), you are made aware of your accent and you try to find your self and stand out from the crowd (but not too much because you don't want to get roasted on Yik Yak.)  I hope you have enjoyed this post and until then I'll see ya when I see ya!

Sunday, 24 January 2016

Town vs. Country

Hello!  I'm back after my four month hiatus.  Life just kind of got in the way what with college and trying to settle into new surroundings.  Since I'm nice and settled now I thought I would pick up where I left off and write my blog again because I was starting to really miss it.  Hopefully I will be able to put up regular posts again full of fresh new content (and a fresh layout if you hadn't already noticed).  So without further ado, let's get started!

I will always be a country girl at heart but because I've started college I am now living in an urban area.  Since moving from the country side to the town I have noticed quite a few differences between both of them; some positive and some negative.  So in this blog post I thought I would discuss some of those differences with you.  Enjoy!

Courtesy of: WeHeartIt

WiFi everywhere!!

Yeah so obviously this is one of the most important differences.  Trying to get WiFi in the country side is like trying to get a phone signal in the middle of nowhere.  This may be the 21st century but you still need to hold your phone up to the heavens in order to get any kind of signal.  If you are lucky enough to get some you might be waiting a good five minutes for you Facebook news-feed to load.  In a town or city you can go into almost any shop, college campus or public transport and you have free and fast WiFi.  It's amazing.

Public Transport

It's only when you actually start to use it on a regular basis that you realise how much public transport there is and how many people use it.  Whenever I'm in the car I'm really conscious of the number of buses that are also on the road.  Plus, public transport is extremely convenient for getting from place to place.  Even though it can be a pain at times to use I wish there was something like it in the country side.  Instead I'm under pressure to start learning how to drive and I really should do something about that soon.

Courtesy of: WeHeartIt
The Social Life

My social life at home is non-existent, especially since the majority of my friends live half an hour away (this is where public transport would be handy).  When I'm in college I'm within walking distance from my friends and also within walking distance from the night life.  Feeling bored?  Just walk over to your friends apartment.  Feeling bored in the country side?  Tough, read a book or something!

Personal Appearance

This is just my personal opinion but I feel as though it's not really acceptable to look to casual when you're walking around an urban area.  At home in the country side you'll find me in tracksuit bottoms and a hoodie.  Not very attractive I know but I'm comfortable.  In college I wouldn't dream about going out in public without a nice pair of jeans and a nice top of jumper and some kind of makeup on.  It is a bit annoying sometimes to have to but in the extra effort but at the same time I feel like I'm getting somewhere in life.


I feel like I have more freedom living in a town.  I can go where ever I want to easily (public transport) and I can be whoever I want to because no one knows who I am.  In the country side everyone knows you and you end up acting more reserved.  In the town you're allowed to be a bit crazier and it's perfectly normal!


I'm lucky enough with my college accommodation that there isn't much noise but there is still the odd plane flying overhead or train bustling by and of course many more cars than you would find in the country side.  It takes a bit of getting used to when you've listened to nothing but silence at night for nineteen years.

So those are just a few differences that I have noticed since my move to an urban area.  I hope you like this post and could relate to some of the things mentioned.  Until next time (hopefully sooner that four months) I'll see ya when I see ya!