Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Oral Exams are over!?

Yes, yes the Leaving Cert orals are over! (Well, for me anyway.)  I cannot even explain how relieved I am right now.  They are just one more obstacle out of the way.  I never have to speak a word of Irish or French ever again.  Saying that, is it odd that I'm slightly sad about all this?  I am definitely not sad that the orals are over but about the fact that I have no more opportunities to speak these languages in the near future.

On the run up to the exams I absolutely hated both languages and was so looking forward to seeing the back of them but now that they are over I appreciate them more.  To be honest it would be great if we had more opportunities to speak Irish.  It is our native language after all and it's what makes our country unique.  When I was in the middle of doing my oral exam with the examiner in front of me, I realised how much I actually love speaking other languages.  Now I'm a bit upset that it's over.  I suppose I could always go to France to speak French and maybe move to the Gaeltacht to speak Irish. (Not likely.)

Apart from wanting to speak all these languages, my head feels like it is about to explode because my thoughts are all jumbled together in a mixture of English, Irish and French and I don't know how long that will last.  If I had to go into another oral exam today it would probably go a little like this:

Examiner: "An raibh tú riamh sa Ghaeltacht?" ( Were you ever in the Ghaeltacht?)
Me: "Non Madame, ní raibh mé riabh sa Ghaeltacht.  Je préfére rester sa bhaile." 
(No Madame (French) I was never in the Ghaeltacht (Irish).  I prefer to stay (French) at home (Irish).)
Examiner: "?????" 
Well, those are my problems but I hope everyone else does well in all their languages.  We're on the home stretch now. (42 days until the Leaving Cert). I am literally crying inside right now.  I'll se ya when I see ya!

Blue-eyed Brunette.

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