Sunday, 31 May 2015

At My Wits End!

I have been finished school for over a week now and in that time I have had my head constantly stuck in my textbooks trying to cram any bit of last minute knowledge.  It's only when you have time to think that you realise just how much more work you need to do before the exams start and the closer they get the less prepared you feel. 

In the past couple of days I feel like I've hit a brick wall.  I feel like my head can not cope with any more information, like it's full to the brim and no matter how much more knowledge I try to stuff in it just will not stay.  This makes me more frustrated and stressed.  I spent almost six hours studying my Home Economics Elective and then when I went to look at some exam questions I wasn't able to answer any of them.  It was as if I hadn't studied it at all and that I had just wasted six hours of my life doing nothing!
It's taking me twice as long to learn things now because information will not stick in my head and sometimes I just stare at my books not able to find the will to read any of the words on the page.  I feel like a robot who has seen better days.  I can't carry out my functions properly anymore.  I get up every morning feeling like I've not had any sleep only to then delve into hours upon hours of laborious study.  I can't take it anymore!  I am mentally and physically struggling.  The sooner these exams are over the better because I feel like I am very close to a mental breakdown!
I'm probably making a mountain out of a molehill but at the moment the Leaving Cert is the air I breathe.  I really want to do well and get my top preference for college.  I might be doubting my ability and putting too much pressure on myself and no matter what anyone says to me it doesn't help.  My parents telling me the Leaving Cert isn't important isn't helping.  They don't seem to understand the stress I feel right now.
I think for the next couple of weeks I will need to adopt a better mind-set.  I know more than I think I do and I just have to convince myself of that.
Well, that is my rant over for now.  I swear this blog is the only thing that keeps me going sometimes because it's a place where I can just pour my heart out.  Hopefully the next time I post something I will be feeling a little bit more positive but until then...
I'll se ya when I see ya!

Saturday, 30 May 2015

Exam Essentials

So don't panic but the Leaving Cert is this Wednesday!  I know, I'm freaking out too but I thought I would compile a checklist of exam essentials so you can walk into your exam confidently knowing you have everything sorted out.  Pens and pencils are just as important as the knowledge when it comes to exams because obviously you need to be able to write something.  So without further ado here's a list of everything you need to bring with you to your exam.

Pens: 2 red, 2 blue, 2 black.  You can never have enough, they are essential.
Pencils: not as essential but still come in handy.
Tipex Mouse: gotta get rid of those mistakes!
Highlighter: helpful for highlighting key words or phrases
Calculator: don't even dream about going into your maths exam without one and make sure the batteries have been changed recently!  Unless you can magically calculate the correlation coefficient in your head a calculator is a must have!
Speaking of maths make sure you have a ruler, compass (with leds), protractor, set squares.
Rubber, topper.

Don't forget to bring water and a small snack for maximum concentration and to keep you going throughout each exam!

On a final note I wish everyone the best of luck in whatever exams you're doing.  They'll be over before you know it and all our hard work will pay off.
Until next time I'll see ya when I see ya!

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Ireland Makes History: Gay Marriage Referendum

Yesterday was a very historical day for Ireland.  We have become the first country ever to have gay marriage legalised due to popular vote.  For many it seemed as though this day would never come but it has and it makes me so proud to be Irish!  Finally we have moved on from our old fashioned ways and have made a huge step into the future.  I hope this referendum will encourage other countries to make their way towards a world where everyone is treated equally.

10 years ago we could have never dreamed that this would happen.  Not so long ago being homosexual was illegal.  This is a milestone for Ireland.  We have caught the worlds eye and proved to everyone that we believe in equality for all.  I well up with happiness now thinking about all those couples who have waited so long to finally give their relationship legal standing in society.  Now they finally have the chance.

Ireland has really come a long way.  This is history in the making.  In generations to come people will look back on this and wonder why we had to vote on this in the first place.  Why did we make such a fuss over it, the same as with racial issues years before.  Being homosexual will just be another part of life accepted by all and that's the way it should be!

Friday, 22 May 2015

Last Week of School, Graduating & Memories

This week has been both exciting and slightly emotional.  Six years ago I began secondary school for the first time.  I was a tiny and timid first year who saw the world as big and scary, the future was lightyears away.  Now, I am no longer a shy child but an adult who is ready to face the future and all that it holds.  I am no longer a secondary student and in September college life begins.  This week I had to say goodbye to life as i know it, to the teachers who have supported me every step of the way these past six years and to my fellow sixth years who I have grown so close to.  I could not have asked to spend my last school days with a better group of girls and I hope that I will be able to keep in contact with them.  In this blog post I will write about my final week of secondary school and everything that happened!

Monday:  Bench-Ball against the teachers!
Yes that's right!  The competition was fierce as the sixth years took part in a Bench-Ball tournament.  Four teams were whittled down to one which then went head to head against a team of teachers.  (My team obviously).  It was tough but I had the best fun even though we did lose but what do you expect when you're up against sporty teachers who are 6 foot tall?!

Wednesday:  Sports Day!
Speaking of being sporty we also had our annual sports day.  We were spoilt with the weather, a rarity for Ireland.  There were a multitude of activities to take part in such as sprints, long jump, high jump, wheelbarrow race, the list goes on.  I didn't win anything (aww) but I did have a really good day!

Thursday:  Graduation!
This was the night, the official end of my time as a secondary school student.  All of the sixth years, parents and teachers attended a mass with refreshments afterwards.  We sang our hearts out especially when it came to our Grad song 'The Days' by Avicii, my new favourite.  After the tea and buns all the girls went out and partied all night long!  This was by far one of the best nights of my life so far!

Friday:  The Talent Show!
My school holds a talent show every year with acts from all years showing off  the many talents they hold.  The sixth years did a hilarious teachers skit and the teachers themselves even showed us their creative side!


The above quote by Dr. Seuss was the central theme for my Graduation and I think it is very suitable. Over the past six years I have made so many friends with whom I have so many memories.  They are memories that will remain with me for the rest of my life.  It is true that you never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.  Even stepping through the doors of the school for the first time seemed so insignificant then but now I look back on it as a milestone.  

Memories are so important, especially the good ones.  Your whole life is a collection of memories, of moments you experienced and when you look back on them it makes everything worthwhile.  

The memories I have made so far are special to me and I hope to make many more in the future.

Saturday, 16 May 2015

Me and My Phone

I think it's fair to say that humans have developed an odd relationship with their phones.  It has now come to the stage where we treat our phones better than we treat people.  We are never without them, they are constantly on our being no matter where we are:  in a restaurant, in a club even in the bathroom.  In this blog post I will be discussing my relationship with my phone which I think most people will be able to relate to.

My phone knows everything about me and my life.  It knows my number (obviously), my email, my home address, when my birthday is and the list could go on forever.  I put every single detail of my life on this little device.  It even knows my favourite songs.  I enter everything into the calendar, I make notes on everything (including blog ideas) and I have all my contacts together.  It makes life so much easier when I can keep everything in the one place and the result is it holds more information about me than anyone else.
Without my phone how would I know it was my brothers birthday?  I mean, who remembers things anymore anyway?  (I'm joking).  Who would wake me up every morning?  How would I keep in contact with people without having to call them.  Seriously, what is the point of having calls and texts on your phone when you can do the exact same thing for free on any app?
My phone allows me to let my creative side out.  Cameras with filters, different themes, wallpapers etc.  Everyone is an artist when you have a phone.  Customising you phone is much the same as interior design for a house:  I want all my favourite apps together, I want Instagram beside my gallery and I want Spotify beside my music player.  It's just like rearranging furniture!  Maybe I could start a career customising peoples phones?
My phone is also like my child.  Everyone knows the feeling when you go to your bag or pocket to take out your phone and you have a mini heart attack if you don't find it within the first second.  I'm like a frantic mother when I misplace my phone.  I run around the house turning everything upside down screaming at my family to ring it.  This doesn't happen very often because I never let my phone out of my sight!
I could also describe my phone as my daemon like in The Golden Compass where peoples souls take the form of animals outside their bodies.  I have become so impartial to my phone that I feel like it is part of my being.  I don't like to leave it behind me if I go anywhere.  Even if I leave it on the counter to go outside it's like I can feel this invisible bond stretching between me and it and it's almost emotionally painful.
A phone can be so distracting and that's why in one of my previous posts I said to put it away while studying.  It's just sits on the table taunting you and so you have to just pick it up and check Snapchat, Facebook or Twitter but only for a few minutes.  Two hours later you're asking yourself why you're such an idiot.  Did you really have to scroll through your whole newsfeed?  Did you actually see anything interesting?  Probably not. 
Well that's just a little post about me and my phone.  After writing all this I now realise that I might need some professional help.  Apart from that I hope you enjoyed reading this and can maybe relate in some way... or not.
Until next time, I'll see ya when I see ya!

Friday, 15 May 2015

10 Questions I Get Asked Everyday After School

When I come home from school I'm usually very tired and just want to go straight to bed.  Obviously I can't do that because of homework and study etc.  I have little energy or time to be bombarded with questions the minute I come in the door but it happens anyway and this is what I get asked.

1)  How was your day?:  Fine, I'm just glad it's over.

2)  How are your friends?:  Also fine.

3)  Was everybody in school today?:  I don't usually keep track of every student in the school.

4)  Did anything interesting happen today?:  No, it's school not a circus!

5)  Did you get much homework?:  Too much, as usual!

6)  Do you have much study to do?:  Well, I am in 6th year so, yes!

7)  Did you have any tests today?:  Everyday is a test of my patience!

8)  How was your lunch?:  It's my favourite subject in school so it was great!

9)  Are you hungry?:  Yes!

10)  Are you tired?:  I'm about to fall over! 

So those are some questions I get asked everyday after school but it will be all over soon.  In a few months it will be questions I get asked when I come home from COLLEGE!!  Exciting!
I hope you enjoyed this post and until next time, I'll see ya when I see ya!

Sunday, 10 May 2015

10 Questions I Get Asked Every Morning

I am NOT a morning person and my parents know this only too well but it still does not stop them from asking me a tonne of questions the minute I'm out of bed.  These questions are asked every single day without fail so that I can easily predict what my parents are going to say next.  In this blog post I am going to tell you 10 questions my parents regularly ask me in the morning in which my response is usually a grunt or nod.
Image result for not a morning person
1)  Did you sleep okay?:  Just fine but I could really use a little more!
2)  Did you sleep all night?:  Yes, but it still wasn't enough.
3)  Did you wake at any stage during the night?:  Didn't I just say I slept all night?!
4)  Was your bed comfortable enough?:  It was too comfortable!  That's why I didn't want to get out of it!
5)  Was your bed warm enough?:  I said I was comfortable, didn't I?  A cold bed is NOT comfortable so yes, it was warm enough!
6)  Are you hungry?:  Well, the last time I ate something was at dinner yesterday and that was a while ago so yes I am hungry!
7)  How are you feeling today?:  TIRED!
8)  Do you want a coffee?:  Is the Pope a Catholic?!
9)  Do you have much work to do today?:  I am in 6th year with an exam facing me in about 3 weeks time.  Of course I have work to do but did you really have to remind me about it first thing in the morning?
10)  Are you tired?:  No, I just painted these bags under my eyes.
So those are 10 questions I often get asked first thing in the morning.  Just so you know I don't actually respond this way to my parents but it's how I think about responding to those questions! 
Hope you enjoyed this little post and until next time I'll see ya when I see ya!

Saturday, 9 May 2015

How To Study

The countdown is on!  Only 25 days until the dreaded Leaving Cert begins.  You're probably wondering where all those months went when you started way back in September.  Time flies when you're having fun (or slaving away with books and notes piled high towards the ceiling)!  You may be feeling slightly panicked like I am so I thought I would help out a little with a few study tips to maximise your potential!

1). Get rid of your phone:  Turn it off, lock it in a safe underground if you have to!  Make sure it cannot distract you or tempt you in any way!  You'll thank me later!

2). Make a study plan and stick to it:  Making a study plan is great and makes you feel very productive but you have to follow it for it to actually work.  Weird, I know.  Don't just throw any old riff raff on it either.  Make a study plan that works for you and that you find easy to follow.

3). Be realistic:  Planning to study 5 Geography essays, complete 2 Maths exam papers AND learn every word in the French dictionary in one night will not work!  You are immediately setting yourself up for a fall!  Don't just say you're going to study History this Tuesday.  Decide what topics you want to look at and what you want to have learned by the end of your study session.

4). Take breaks:  Studying for hours on end will only make you exhausted and nothing will go into your head.  Take a 10 minute break every hour or so or else you will have a mental breakdown!

5). Remove distractions:  Like with your phone anything that is not a text book or study notepad is a distraction.  When you're studying even the fluff on your carpet is distracting and I'm sorry to tell you that there is nothing I can do about that!  What I will say is go into a quiet room where no one can disturb you, remove everything from your desk except your study essentials and then it's full steam ahead!

6). Don't stress:  Don't stress!?  What planet are you living on?  Okay, I of all people know what it's like to be stressed but sometimes you are almost blinded by it.  A little stress is good.  Stress is a good motivator but too much is bad.  As the LC comes closer you stress about not knowing anything but you know more than you think you do.  I'm at the stage now when I test myself I find information pouring out if me.  Sometimes I have to take a step back and say: "Where did you come out of?". Everyone has a box in their brain full of knowledge, you just have to figure out how to unlock it.

7). Put your study to practise:  Like I said in the previous point, I test myself and it is honestly the best way to study and prove how much you really know.  Practise loads of exam questions and time yourself because timing is so important!  Ask your teachers to correct your work.  They won't mind because they want you to do just as well as you do!

So those are just a few study tips I have come up with and they have worked for me so far.  The Leaving Cert is just another hurdle we have to get over and we will.  Until then, I'll se ya when I see ya!

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

My Favourite YouTubers

I am YouTube obsessed.  I could spend hours watching video after video.  The life of a YouTuber fascinates me.  You make videos on topics that interest you, you travel the world and you make friends for life.  It may not be perfect but it's definitely what I want my job to be like in the future.  So, in this blog post I will be telling you about some of my favourite YouTubers.


1)  Connor Franta: 
Connor Franta was one of the first YouTubers I ever watched.  I was a bit slow hopping on the bandwagon and didn't even know being a 'YouTuber' was a thing until about 2 or 3 years ago.  I started watching Connor's videos when he only had about 500,000 subscribers.  Today, he has about 4.5 million which is crazy!  And he even wrote his own book.  I just well up with pride thinking about it!  Connor is really funny and creative and definitely worth the watch!
Image result for connor franta


2)  Zoella:
Obviously I can't write a blog post about my favourite YouTubers without mentioning Zoella.  I started watching her videos when she had about 1.5 million subscribers and now she has become world famous with over 8 million!  I am absolutely obsessed!  Not only is she gorgeous but she also wrote a book and released her own line of beauty products.  Is there anything she can't do?
Image result for zoella
3)  Niomi Smart:
I love this girl!  Firstly, she has to be one of the most beautiful people on the planet, but secondly, her videos are so relatable I feel like they are directed towards me specifically.  She makes easy makeup tutorials that I can actually follow, amazing look books and she even made a video about college essentials.  Since I am starting college in September I definitely found it helpful.  I'm starting to think she might be psychic!
Image result for niomi smart


4)  Thatcher Joe:
Brother to Zoella, Joe Sugg is a legend!  He has to be one of the most creative YouTubers out there, inventing so many fantastic original video ideas such as the infamous 'YouTuber Whispers'.  I'm in stitches every time I watch his videos and his pranks on room mate Caspar Lee are priceless!
Image result for thatcherjoe 2015
5)  Jamie Curry:
This Kiwi first came to y attention on Facebook, on her page 'Jamie's World' which over time has collected MILLIONS of likes.  She is seriously talented, making entertaining videos that are 30 seconds long and then making a YouTube channel where I can watch even more of her videos.  Her onscreen awkwardness is hilarious and if she was my best friend I would be set for life! (No offense to my current best friends).
Image result for jamie curry


6)  Charlotte Ryan:
I thought I would take this opportunity to mention some Irish YouTubers because why not?  Charlotte is an Irish girl living in Brighton with over 1000 subscribers and I thoroughly enjoy her videos.  She makes videos about everything from her favourite food to different tags and challenges.  She makes healthy food extremely mouth-watering and tops it off with a naughty version if that doesn't tickle your fancy.  Her videos are very artistically edited and she had a lovely, bubbly personality.  Fair play!
7)  Clisare:
She can only be described as the Irish Jenna Marbles.  Clisare makes hilarious videos and also has a love of the Irish language with Mean Girls quotes translated into our native tongue and so on.  I would definitely recommend you check her out!
So those are some of my favourite YouTubers.  I hope you enjoyed this post and I'll see ya when I see ya!

Monday, 4 May 2015

5 Ways to Stay Positive and Avoid Stress

Image result for staying positive
Staying positive can be really difficult at times especially when nothing seems to be going right and your stress levels are through the roof.  People between the age of 18 and 33 tend to suffer the most from stress and although I am only 18 I already agree.  In this blog post I will be telling you 5 ways in which you can stay positive no matter what life throws at you.  They may seem a little cliché but they really do work!
1)  Surround yourself with positive people: 
Positivity can be infectious!  If you are with a group of people who do nothing but complain about everything wrong with the world then you will end up thinking negatively too.  Positive people look on the bright side of things and if you surround yourself with these kind of people you will begin to realise that every cloud has a silver lining!
2)  Do something you love: 
I am constantly being told in school not to give up my hobbies in order to make time for study.  Although exams are consuming 99% of my time I still like to keep that 1% for myself and do something other than study.  For me, I like to read, write blog posts, watch YouTube videos or binge watch Home and Away.  For others it might be music or sport.  Whatever it is, continue doing it.  It will keep you sane!
3)  Exercise: 
This leads on from my previous point.  If you play sport, excellent!  Keep doing it.  If you don't play sport then just go for a walk.  It will clear your mind and allow you to think of something less stressful.  A clear mind means there is more room for positivity!
4)  Eat healthily:
Chocolate and crisps seem great at times but make you feel heavy and drowsy after a while.  Instead of a chocolate bar eat a piece of fruit.  You will feel much more positive knowing you are being good to your body.
5)  Take one thing at a time:
Sometimes we seem to have the weight of the world on our shoulders and things go from bad to worse.  Just when you think that life couldn't get anymore difficult, something else lands on top of you.  To avoid this I would advise making a list of everything you need to do, take a deep breath, and start from the top until you work your way down to the end.  Forget about the million other things you have on your mind and just concentrate on one thing.  Once that's sorted move onto the next and so on.  You'll feel much more positive once that list gets shorter!
So those are just a few ideas on how to stay positive.  No matter what life throws at you, know you can get past it.  There is always a light at the end of the tunnel!
Until next time, I'll see ya when I see ya!

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Irish Phrases That No-one Else Understands

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I think it's fair to say that the Irish are a unique race and our lingo is one of our unique qualities.  There are many words and phrases we use in our everyday conversations that make absolutely no sense to our non-Irish friends.  In this blog post I'm going to clear a few things up and bring to light our odd ways of speaking.  So, without further ado, here's a couple of phrases that make absolutely no sense to anyone but the Irish!  (BTW, top o' the mornin' to ya will not be included.  Nobody says that.  I don't know where that came out of!)
  1. I'm neither here nor there:  I, myself, must admit that this makes no sense in ordinary English but it is a common phrase the Irish use.  Basically, what it means is that you're confused or you're stressed.  You're all over the place!
  2. What's the craic/ Any craic?:  No, I'm not asking you for drugs.  I just want to know how you are and if you have anything interesting to tell me since the last time I saw you.
  3. I will yeah:  Irish people live on opposite land sometimes and sarcasm is second nature to us.  If you ask someone to do something for you and they reply 'I will yeah' then don't be too hopeful.
  4. For the craic:  Again, this has nothing to do with drugs.  Doing something 'for the craic' is just doing something for the fun of it like touching the electric fence.  We like to live life on the edge!
  5. Now we're sucking diesel:  Just to clear things up, Irish people do not drink diesel.  We use it the same as everyone else.  If someone says this odd phrase it's because they are happy with the outcome of a situation.
  6. I was abroad:  No, they were not in a foreign country on holiday, they were just outside in the yard.
  7. Sure be grand:  No matter how bad the situation is, it will correct itself at some stage.  Everything will be just fine!
  8. Cop on:  This means stop being so ridiculous.  Get with the plot!
  9. No need to make a song and dance about it:  We are not discouraging you from letting your creative juices flow.  What we really mean is that we just don't want you to make a big deal out of a small situation.  No need to exaggerate!  
  10. Will you go away with yourself:  This also means stop being ridiculous even if it doesn't sound anything like it.
Well those are just a few Irish phrases the rest of the world just can't fathom.  There are plenty more but this blog post has to end at some stage so I'll end it now and I'll see ya when I see ya!
Blue-eyed Brunette.