Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Life Through A Lens

When you take a picture, you capture something special.  It could be an example of natures beauty:  a flower, a butterfly or even a sunset.  That image is made permanent and is one you can look back on to admire again and again.  You can also capture a special moment you spent with family and friends.  That moment becomes a memory which can be recalled in the future.

A picture is a powerful thing and is captured through the lens of a camera.  You have to admit that it is quite and invention!  Used to capture historical moments, the camera is now used to capture our best angles and to make us appear better than others.  We blame the camera for not making us look good enough, for emphasising our bad features.  We blame it for something it was never made for.

Something else we hold against cameras is when they are out of focus.  The clear, crisp image we desire is not always easy to obtain.  Objects have no definite form and colours melt together so you can't make anything out.  This is something I deal with on a daily basis and have dealt with since I was eight years old.  Being out of focus.  The only difference is that I use a different type of lens to help me.

Their arms hug my temples and curl around my ears.  They sit comfortably on my nose holding two windows in front of my eyes.  When I look through these windows everything comes back into focus.  The objects around me have definite shapes and outlines.  The colours no longer spill over each other but stay neatly in between the lines.

People who don't wear glasses just can't seem to understand what it's like to need them.  I am always asked what I see when I don't have them on.  I don't have double vision.  I am just seeing things as through a camera that is out of focus.  If you can imagine that then you'll understand.

I don't like having to wear them.  I find them a nuisance.  They are impossible to keep clean and always get in the way.  I would love to have my full vision back but it doesn't happen by magic.  Maybe in the future I will invest in laser eye surgery but for now glasses are a part of my everyday.

I hope you enjoyed this post.  It's just something different I wanted to do for a change.  Until then...

I'll see ya when I see ya!

Monday, 29 June 2015

My Biggest Fears

Everyone is afraid of something no matter how big or small.  Some fears come about from terrifying experiences while others come about for no reason at all.  In this blog post I'm going to tell you about some of my fears.  Ridiculous or not these are the things that give me nightmares!

1)  Spiders:
To some people this might seem like a ridiculous fear but to many others, you understand my struggle.  Spiders, in my opinion, have to be the most disgusting and horrible creepy crawlies of all time!  I don't care how big or small it is, keep it away from me!  The  worst time for spiders is summer.  Don't leave your bedroom window open all day or you might just find another being under the bedsheets.  It has happened to me many times.  Spiders are ugly and hairy and I don't like them.  End of story!

2)  Zombies:
This is probably one of my most ridiculous fears.  Everyone knows that zombies don't exist.  How can the dead come back to life?  It's not possible but these flesh eating monsters really terrify me.  First of all, they look terrifying.  Their rotting flesh is disgusting!  Secondly, they sound terrifying: a heavy, rasping breathing.  Thirdly, the whole idea of them wanting to eat me is terrifying.  I can't even watch 5 minutes of the Walking Dead without having nightmares.  This fear is so bad that I even went to Google to find out where I could hide if there was ever a zombie apocalypse.  So, if there ever is a zombie apocalypse,  I'll be on a remote island off the coast of Iceland.  But don't follow me there, just in case you're infected.  Sorry!

3)  Tight Spaces:
Yes, I am claustrophobic!  If I'm in a confined space, I panic.  My chest feels tight and I find it hard to breathe.  I don't like being in the middle of large crowds and being only 5''1' doesn't help the situation.  Not only am I being squashed from the sides but everyone is taller than me so it feels like I'm being squashed from above too!  Even just thinking about it makes me feel queasy!

So those are just three of my fears!  There are many more but I don't want to bore you or scare you with the long list.  I hope you enjoyed reading this post.  What are some of your fears?  Until next time...

I'll see ya when I see ya!

Saturday, 27 June 2015

The Versatile Blogger Award

I'm so delighted to be nominated for my first blogger award, the Versatile Blogger Award!  I would like to thank the lovely Mads from I'm Looking For Me for the nomination.  So let's get going then!

The Rules:

1)  Thank the person who nominated you.
2)  Include a link to their blog.
3)  Select 15 bloggers to pass the award onto.
4)  Share 7 facts about yourself!

Simple, easy!  Here are the bloggers I would like to nominate:

So I know that's not 15 but I think it's enough for now!

7 Facts About Me:

1)  I have one dog who I love to pieces.
2)  My favourite TV show of all time is Home and Away which I have been watching for about 14 years  (no lie)!
3)  I absolutely love listening to music and my favourite singers are Ed Sheeran and Ellie Goulding!
4)  Reading is my all time favourite pastime.
5)  My favourite colour is purple.
6)  I hope to become fluent in French someday.
7)  7 is my favourite number.

There it is!  My first ever blogger award nomination.  I hope you enjoyed reading this and getting to know a little bit more about me.  Until next time...

I'll see ya when I see ya! 

Thursday, 25 June 2015

10 Questions I Get Asked When I Eat

I've been on my summer holidays for two weeks now and I've noticed something about my eating pattern.  It's not good!  I have a late breakfast every morning and every meal just seems to blend together.  I feel like once breakfast is done it's no length until I'm at the table again for lunch and then dinner.  Plus, there is a lot of snacking in-between.  One thing I've really noticed about sitting down for family meals is that I get asked a lot of questions about my food.  Meal times are not a suitable time for 20 questions because you have your mouth full and can't possibly answer them!  Of course that doesn't stop your family from asking them so here are 10 questions that I am regularly asked at the table:

1)  Are you hungry?:  All the time!

2)  What does that taste like?:  You served me chicken curry so I guess it's spicy.

3)  Are you enjoying that?:  I love chicken curry!

4)  Is it hot enough?:  If it's not there's always the trusty microwave!

5)  Is it gone cold?:  Again, microwave!

6)  It is cooked enough?:  I would hope that you wouldn't give it to me if it wasn't cooked enough.

7)  What's the flavour like?:  I like to eat food, not review it.

8)  Are you taking a drink?:  Yes, I'm not 5 years old, you don't have to remind me!

9)  Are you full now?:  I couldn't eat another thing, but if there's dessert I'm sure I could squeeze a few extra bites!

10)  Do you want anything else?  Tea?  Dessert?:  No matter how much you eat you will always have room for tea or dessert.

So those are just a few questions I get asked when I eat.  I hope you enjoyed this little blog post and until next time...

I'll see ya when I see ya!

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Another History Exam?!

I always have the weirdest, strangest dreams.  Sometimes I wake up knowing I've had a dream but I just can't remember a single thing about it.  Other times I wake up remembering the dream and in the greatest of details.  Last night was no exception so I thought I would tell you about a time when I hadn't actually finished my exams like I thought I had.

The dream starts with me in school on the very last day of the Leaving Cert exams.  I'm waiting to sit my History exam, the last one for the year.  On that same day my school organises a trip to one of the Irish universities.  I agree to go even though I have a really important exam to do.  Clearly, my subconscious self is not very smart!
So I go to the university with my friends and we look around.  We agree to meet the bus at 2 o' clock to be back at school by 4, the time my exam is to start.  I'm really cutting it short!  We make it back just in time.  I race frantically into the classroom in a state of panic.  Instead of an examiner, my History teacher is there about to start the class.  Looks like I'm not having an exam after all.
Apart from the sudden cancellation of my exam, my teacher calls the role naming a girl no one has heard of before and he can't understand why her name is there.  Weird!  Then I wake up.
Wow!  I just realised how detailed this is and I swear I'm not making this up.  I have these kinds of dreams all the time.  I'm starting to wonder if my brain works a little differently to what it should.
Do you know what this dream could mean?  Have you ever had crazy dreams in which you remember every single detail?  Please let me know because it would really put my mind at ease.
I hope you enjoyed this unusual post but until then...
I'll see ya when I see ya! 
(I think this picture accurately sums up what my dreams are like!)

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Places I Want To Travel To

I have always wanted to travel the world.  There are so many amazing places and cultures I have yet to explore!  To be honest, I haven't seen much of the world.  Ireland is a small place and I've only been abroad once.  In this blog post I'm going to tell you about just a few places that I want to see, so here we go...
1)  France:
France is one of those places where almost everyone goes on a family holiday but I haven't been there yet.  I love the French culture and language.  I have dreams of becoming fluent so I would love to spend some time there, travelling through the countryside or sipping coffee in a Parisian cafĂ©.  I think it would be lovely!

2)  Italy:
I have already been to Italy on a school trip but I would love to go back!  I spent four of the best days of my life in Italy.  I visited Venice, Florence (my personal favourite), Pisa, Verona, Garda, all in four days!  They are the most beautiful and historic cities.  If I was to go back I would tour the whole country!

3)  US:
America always seems so far away to me even though it is just 'across the pond'.  It's like a completely different universe!  I would love to go shopping in New York, sunbathing in California, visit the Grand Canyon.  I just want to tour every state really!

4)  Australia:
Australia also seems like it's on another planet.  Apart from all the spiders and snakes, I picture Australia as beautiful and exotic!  Sun , sea and sand!  Plus, I would love to visit the set of Home and Away and fulfil my childhood dreams!

5)  Holland:
After watching The Fault in Our Stars, Holland has made the list!  I would love to visit Anne Franks house in Amsterdam because I love History.  When I imagine Holland I just imagine so many vibrant colours, tulips, windmills!  I'm probably thinking very stereotypically but I think it would be a beautiful place to visit!

So that is just 5 of the places I want to visit in my lifetime.  Honestly, I just want to go everywhere!  It's overwhelming thinking about all of the places you could go throughout the whole world.  I hope you enjoyed this blog post.  Let me know where you would like to travel to and...

I'll see ya when I see ya!

Monday, 15 June 2015

My Favourite Books

I am a complete book worm.  I love books and try to read as much as possible.  I'm a true believer in hard copies.  Downloading books onto a kindle or tablet is fine but there is nothing as good as the physical thing.  The crisp pages and that book smell is just amazing!  Since I am a book lover I thought I would share the love around and tell you about some of my favourite books.
1)  The Fault in Our Stars by John Green:
Obviously this book had to be included in the list.  I heard loads of people go on and on about it and so I wanted to see what all the fuss was about.  If you've been living under a rock and haven't heard about this book it's about two teenagers who have cancer.  They fall in love and their story is so heart wrenching and beautiful.  It will definitely cause tears but there are also plenty of more light hearted moments, a must read!
2)  Harry Potter 1-7 by J.K. Rowling:
I just want to be clear that I am a huge Harry Potter fan!  I have seen the movies countless times which are amazing but the books are something else.  You become enraptured in this magical fantasy of spells and magic and you wish your Hogwarts letter hadn't got lost in the post.  If you haven't read these books yet, please do!  Don't be intimidated by their size.  You cannot consider yourself a true fan unless you have read these books.

3)  The Twilight Saga by Stephanie Meyer:
These books and the films have been given a lot of negative publicity but I have to admit that I actually really like the Twilight Saga.  I am a twihard and I'm not ashamed!  So the storyline is a bit farfetched, who cares?  If any girl had two extremely good looking chaps fighting for her attention, I don't think she would complain.  Even if they both happen to be mythical monsters.  (I'm team Edward by the way if you were wondering).

4)  The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare:
I absolutely love these books!  Once I began reading the first one, I couldn't stop.  I ploughed through them and was very upset when I finished them.  These books are a mixture of action, love, dark magic, mythical creatures and so one.  If you're into fantasy books, The Mortal Instruments is for you!  And don't be too upset when you finish them, you can still read The Internal Devices which are also just as brilliant and the Bane Chronicles if you want to know why Magnus Bane is banned from Peru!

5)  North Child by Edith Pateau:
This book has a slight fairy-tale element to it.  It's about a girl called Rose who is the youngest child in a big family.  Her mother is very superstitious and believes that all children born facing the North will travel far from home and will die an icy death.  Since Rose was born facing North her mother is very protective of her.  One day a white bear comes to take her away to a far off place, to a castle in a mountain.  The whole book is full of superstition and mystery, with Troll Queens and big white bears.  It is written from the perspective of many of the characters which I found made the story very interesting.  North Child is definitely worth the read!

A few other favourites:
The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins
Hush Hush Series by Becca Fitzpatrick
His Dark Materials Trilogy by Philip Pullman

So there are just a few of my favourite books/ series.  Most of them are quite popular but if you have any other recommendations then let me know.

Until then I'll see ya when I see ya!

Saturday, 13 June 2015

Things That Keep Me Sane

On the lead up to the exams there were many times when I had a mini breakdown.  I let all my stress overwhelm me.  During these stressful times there were a few things that kept me sane.  in this little blog post I'm going to tell about some of those things.

Just to make it clear, I'm no BeyoncĂ©.  I don't sing in front of crowds and I don't do singing lessons.  I sing for myself because I love it.  I sing all the time just around the house.  A few weeks ago, my mother told me that she admired me because I still sang even though I had so much on my plate.  For me, singing was a stress reliever and definitely kept me sane.
Leading on from singing I also love listening to music.  Some weekends I would take a couple of hours off from studying.  I would play some of my favourite CDs and lie on my bed just listening to them.  Afterwards I would feel so relaxed.  For those few hours I could shut out the rest of the world and forget about everything I had to do.
Reading obviously had to make this list.  I am a complete book worm and have to have a book by my bed at all times.  While I was studying I would learn a certain topic, read a chapter of my book and then repeat the cycle.  Looking forward to reading the next chapter motivated me to study and get it done.  Then I could relax for half an hour before getting stuck in again.
Blogging has only become a very recent hobby of mine and I love it!  My blog is a place where I can be myself and write about what interests me.  I didn't blog last week because I was too busy studying.  My blog gave me something to strive towards and look forward to.  I couldn't wait for summer so I could give 100% to my blog.  Through all the laborious work I knew there was something good at the end of it all.
So those are a few things that kept me sane during the exams.  Hopefully, they will continue to keep me sane in the future!
Until next time... I'll see ya when I see ya!

Friday, 12 June 2015

Book Review: A Thousand Pieces of You

A Thousand Pieces of You is the first book in the Firebird trilogy by Claudia Gray.  It follows the story of a young girl, Marguerite.  Both of her parents are scientists and have invented a device, the Firebird, which allows people to travel to different dimensions.  When her father is murdered, Marguerite suspects a close family friend, Paul.  Marguerite and another close friend, Theo, decide to follow him through dimensions in order to find out the truth.
The first thing that attracted me to this book was the cover.  I know they always say you should never judge a book by its cover but I have to admit that I am guilty of doing just that.  I always judge the book by its cover but who could blame me this time.  The cover of this book is beautiful with so many gorgeous, vibrant colours.  I was immediately drawn to it.
When I first started reading this book I was slightly confused.  I felt the beginning was very complicated and I didn't fully understand what was going on.  I had to read on for a chapter or two before I could get my head around it.  Once I got into the story I was hooked.  I felt the idea of being able to travel through dimensions to be very intriguing.  The whole concept of it is brilliantly created by Gray.  She definitely puts her own unique twist on it.
Not only is the main character searching for a suspected murderer but there is also romance in the midst of it all.  Of course the romance is not straightforward and so the story itself takes on new dimensions.  The book is full of suspense and tension as danger and deceit lurk around every corner.  It is truly a gripping story and I would highly recommend this to anyone if you are looking for something to read this summer.  I can't wait to read the next two instalments!
I hope you liked this little book review.  If anyone has any other book recommendations I would love to hear about them but until then...
I'll see ya when I see ya!

Thursday, 11 June 2015

The Leaving Cert is Over!

It's actually over!  I'm done and I still can't believe it.  I've spent fourteen years of my life in school and now it has all come to an end.  The last fourteen years of learning to read and write, add and subtract have essentially been preparing me for these exams.  Fourteen years and it's all over in a week!

I know the Leaving Cert doesn't end until next week and there are still some people with longer to go.  Don't think I'm rubbing it in your face because I'm not.  I just want to write down my thoughts and feelings while they're still fresh in my mind.
On the lead up to the exams I was a nervous wreck.  If you read my previous blog post you will understand how bad I was.  It was just the fact that it was "The Leaving Cert" and I didn't quite know what to expect.  I couldn't even listen to the radio or watch television because the exams were making headlines everyday.  It really didn't help with my condition.  I don't even know why the exams make headlines.  They happen every year.  It's nothing new.
The night before the exams start you can't sleep.  The next morning you can't eat.  You head into school with your stomach in knots and your thoughts swirling in mad circles.  You're doubting everything you know, telling yourself you know nothing.
During the exams everyone turns religious.  They might never have gone to Mass in their lives but now they carry prayer cards in their pockets and in their school bags and some even have whole prayer books!  They receive Mass cards from relations who will pray for their success.  In school we had a small prayer service on the first morning.  Everyone had to be there or else they were going to fail.  We had a makeshift altar in the hallway covered with a white cloth and holding bottles of holy water.  Now and then you'd see someone go up to the table to bless themselves and say their final prayers.  It's a bit ridiculous.  Once you're finished the exams you'll abandon religion again and return to your sinful ways.
Once you get into the swing of things you realise it isn't so bad.  You realise that your examiner is a nice and normal person just like anyone else.  You may get a mini heart attack when you first open the paper but after a few read throughs you know you got this!
When you put down the pen after your last exam you feel a massive weight come off your shoulders.  You are officially finished with second level education.  You will never again have to wear that uniform that you despise at this point.  You are officially finished with teachers telling you what to do every second of the day.  The feeling is indescribable! 
I am so excited for summer now!  I can truly appreciate my free time after such a stressful year!  Overall I am extremely happy with how my exams went and I wish everyone else the best of luck.
Until next time, I'll see ya when I see ya!