Thursday, 11 June 2015

The Leaving Cert is Over!

It's actually over!  I'm done and I still can't believe it.  I've spent fourteen years of my life in school and now it has all come to an end.  The last fourteen years of learning to read and write, add and subtract have essentially been preparing me for these exams.  Fourteen years and it's all over in a week!

I know the Leaving Cert doesn't end until next week and there are still some people with longer to go.  Don't think I'm rubbing it in your face because I'm not.  I just want to write down my thoughts and feelings while they're still fresh in my mind.
On the lead up to the exams I was a nervous wreck.  If you read my previous blog post you will understand how bad I was.  It was just the fact that it was "The Leaving Cert" and I didn't quite know what to expect.  I couldn't even listen to the radio or watch television because the exams were making headlines everyday.  It really didn't help with my condition.  I don't even know why the exams make headlines.  They happen every year.  It's nothing new.
The night before the exams start you can't sleep.  The next morning you can't eat.  You head into school with your stomach in knots and your thoughts swirling in mad circles.  You're doubting everything you know, telling yourself you know nothing.
During the exams everyone turns religious.  They might never have gone to Mass in their lives but now they carry prayer cards in their pockets and in their school bags and some even have whole prayer books!  They receive Mass cards from relations who will pray for their success.  In school we had a small prayer service on the first morning.  Everyone had to be there or else they were going to fail.  We had a makeshift altar in the hallway covered with a white cloth and holding bottles of holy water.  Now and then you'd see someone go up to the table to bless themselves and say their final prayers.  It's a bit ridiculous.  Once you're finished the exams you'll abandon religion again and return to your sinful ways.
Once you get into the swing of things you realise it isn't so bad.  You realise that your examiner is a nice and normal person just like anyone else.  You may get a mini heart attack when you first open the paper but after a few read throughs you know you got this!
When you put down the pen after your last exam you feel a massive weight come off your shoulders.  You are officially finished with second level education.  You will never again have to wear that uniform that you despise at this point.  You are officially finished with teachers telling you what to do every second of the day.  The feeling is indescribable! 
I am so excited for summer now!  I can truly appreciate my free time after such a stressful year!  Overall I am extremely happy with how my exams went and I wish everyone else the best of luck.
Until next time, I'll see ya when I see ya!

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