Tuesday, 11 August 2015

How To Relax/ Fall Asleep

We all have those nights when you're in bed trying to sleep but your mind is still wide awake.  You toss and turn and stare at the four walls around you for what seems like an eternity.  The time is slowly moving on as you watch every ten minute interval pass.  You're thinking to yourself, will this night ever end?

I've been having a few of those nights lately.  I've been having so many things floating around in my head.  First it was about the debs and now it's about my Leaving Cert results tomorrow.  I'm sure I'm not the only one who suffers from insomnia now and again so I though I would share a few tips and tricks on how to relax and fall asleep.  These seem to work for me so maybe they'll work for you too!

1) Have a shower in the evening:  I'm one of those people that prefers a shower in the evening.  I feel so relaxed afterwards and usually have no trouble sleeping at all.

2) Change into comfy pyjamas:  Preferably fluffy ones because they are the best!

3) Make your bed:  Nothing feels as good as getting into a freshly made bed.  There's just something about clean sheets that lets you doze off in no time.

4) Have a hot drink:  Hot chocolate or tea before bed is amazing!  Hot drinks are really soothing and help to relax the whole body.  Even if it is technically still summer you're never not in the mood for tea!  The weather is cold after all.

5) Read a book:  Whenever I feel wide awake at night I always take out a book.  I find reading is one of the most relaxing things you can do.  Take out a book that's easy to read and just lose yourself for a couple of chapters.  You forget about your own worries and think about the characters lives instead.

6) Listen to music:  Second to reading, listening to music is also one of the most relaxing things you can do.  Play some soft tunes in the background and you'll drift off in no time.

7) DON'T:  Don't stay on your phone or on the computer late into the night.  They keep your brain wired and you'll have no chance of falling asleep.  Night time is for relaxing, not tweeting!

So those are just a few things that help me relax and fall asleep.  Let me know what you do to relax and until then...

I'll see ya when I see ya!

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