Tuesday, 1 September 2015

How To Deal With Over-Protective Parents

Over-protective parents are something many of us have to deal with at some stage in our lives.  We are always told that they are only looking out for us but it comes to the stage when you just get annoyed and frustrated with them.  You need your parents to understand that you can look after yourself.  The obvious response it to storm off and slam every door behind you.  That doesn't really help the situation so I thought in todays post I would give you a few tips on how to deal with over-protective parents.

1) Use indoor voices and listen:
If we are finding it difficult to get our point across to our parents we think the louder we say it the more it will sink in.  This isn't the case.  Use your indoor voice when speaking and remember to also listen to your parents.  Take in both sides of the argument and then you can compromise.  It's easier said than done but just give it a try!

2) Be organised:
Parents can be over-protective if they think we can't look after ourselves so we need to prove to them that we can.  Try to keep your room clean so they can't nag you about being untidy.  If your heading off to college like me make a list of everything you'll need before you go so your parents won't constantly ask you if you need anything else.

3) Earn their trust:
If your parents let you go out at the weekend don't go crazy and come home late or ignore all their calls.  If your going to college for the first time don't go on a rampage now that you have newfound freedom.  Your parents will only worry more and trust you less.  Try to act responsible but enjoy yourself at the same time.

4) Reassure your parents:
My parents are always reminding me that they are only at the other end of the phone if I need them.  They are always reassuring me especially now that I'm heading off to college on my own.  They don't want me to feel nervous or worried, which I'm not, but I'm sure they are.  At times the tables have to be turned and it's up to the teenager to reassure the parents.  If your worried about something tell them but if your not and you feel perfectly fine tell them that too.  Let them know that you are ready to move on and that you know they are there for you if you need them.

5) Keep you parents in the loop:
You don't need to tell your parents every single detail of your life even though they might ask for it.  Let them know what your up to because they will only worry if kept in the dark.

I hope you found this post helpful and you now know how to deal with over-protective parents.  If you can think of any other tips let me know because I'm currently struggling in this department and until then...

I'll see ya when I see ya! 

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