Saturday 18 July 2015

Is Blogging Becoming Too Professional?

Blogging for me is a hobby.  It's something I love to do in my spare time because I love to write.  I see blogging as a way of sharing my thoughts and opinions and as a way of discussing what interests me.  My blog is my own personal space on the internet and that's the way I like it.

Recently I've been seeing a lot of blog posts bombarding me with plans and ideas on how to turn your blog into a business and earn money.  One post in particular that stood out to me was about blogging predictions for 2016.  In this post it was mentioned how blog layouts were becoming more  like website layouts.  Apparently, more people are giving their blogs a more professional design.  Personally, I don't like this idea.  When I read a blog post, I want to read something personal.  I feel like blog layouts add to that personal feel.  Websites give information and that's not really what I want to see in a blog.  I find it hard to lose myself in a blog that's too formal.

Other blog posts I've seen relate to earning money from your blog.  To earn money from my blog would be a lovely bonus but it's not a priority at the moment.  I feel like, after a while, I'll have to do something more with my blog and that the way it is now won't be good enough in the future.  I don't want to put that kind of pressure on myself.

I love my blog and I'm really happy with how it has turned out.  I'm going to continue with how I'm going for as long as I can.  Maybe in the future I'll take a step further but now I'm happy with writing about the things that interest me.  I think the most important thing to remember about blogging is to write what you want to write and not what you think other people want you to write.

That's just my opinion.  You can agree or disagree but until then...

I'll see ya when I see ya!

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